2020 Submission Instructions

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ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF-2020)

Submission Instructions and Policies

Submission site now open: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICAIF2020/Submission/Index

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: Friday, 29 May 2020 (time: Anywhere on Earth)
  • Author Notification: Friday, 31 July 2020
  • Camera-ready deadline: Wednesday, 26 August 2020
  • Main Conference: Thursday-Friday, 15-16 October 2020

Submission Types

ICAIF-2020 invites high quality papers on theoretical, empirical, or experimental research. In order to offer flexibility to contributors affected by covid-19, we offer two submission types:

  • Full papers (up to 8 pages): Full papers will be peer-reviewed, archival, and published in the conference proceedings.Extended abstracts (up to 3 pages):
  • Extended abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selectively accepted. Abstracts are not archival and will not be included in the conference proceedings.

Both types of papers (extended abstracts and full papers) are eligible for oral presentation at the conference. Due to timing constraints, the conference organizers will select a subset of the accepted papers for oral presentation according to topic area, interest and quality.

Topic Areas

Abstracts and full papers are invited in the following topic areas:

  • Financial systems as multi-agent systems.
  • AI techniques for simulation of markets, economies, and other financial systems.
  • Computational game-theoretic analysis of financial scenarios.
  • Ethics and fairness of AI in Finance.
  • Explainability and trustworthiness of AI systems used in Finance.
  • Infrastructure to support AI research in Finance.
  • Robustness, security, and privacy of AI systems in Finance.
  • Computational regulation and compliance in Finance.
  • Machine Learning for pricing, trading, and portfolio management.
  • Models of financial behavior including borrowing and for fraud prevention.
  • Natural Language Processing for understanding Financial information.
  • Surveys and case studies on the above topics.


Papers must be formatted according to ACM guidelines (see below) and must be no longer than three pages in total (for extended abstracts) or eight pages in total (full papers), including all figures and references. Authors are required to submit their electronic papers in PDF format. Over-length papers will be rejected without review. Submissions must be self-contained. ICAIF-2020 will not accept any supplementary materials.

  • Papers should be formatted according to ACM’s sigconf layout.
  • ACM LaTeX templates: [download], use the sigconf template.
  • The LaTeX template is also integrated with overleaf: [overleaf.com], use the sigconf template.
  • ACM Microsoft Word template: [download]
  • For additional information on formatting, please consult the ACM website.

Submission Process

In addition to the paper content (PDF document), the paper title, author names, contact details, and the text of a brief abstract must be submitted electronically through the ICAIF-2020 paper submission site. Authors will also be asked to provide a paragraph, separate from the abstract, explaining “why this paper should be published at ICAIF.”

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work.

Review Process

ICAIF-2020 will follow a double-blind review process, meaning that the authors’ identities will not be known to the reviewers, and the reviewers’ identities will not be known to the authors. Accordingly, submitted papers should not reveal by citation, or other obvious mention of previous work, the identity of the authors.

There will be no rebuttal period.

Policy on Multiple Submissions

For full paper submissions, ICAIF is a peer-reviewed archival venue. ICAIF-2020 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission is under review for, already published in, or already accepted for publication in, a journal or other archival publication. As a guideline, consider publications with a DOI, ISBN, or ISSN as archival. Questions about submission eligibility should be referred to the program chair in advance of the submission deadline.

Additionally, authors should not to submit their papers to other archival venues during the ICAIF-2020 review period. Multiple submission is grounds for immediate rejection of the submitted paper and referral for ethical review.

Each individual author is limited to no more than 6 submissions to ICAIF-2020. The list of authors provided at submission time is final. Authors may not be added to, or removed from, papers following submission. Authors are also expected to participate as reviewers.

Permissible pre-publication: Submitted papers may have appeared previously as a technical report or in other non-archival venues. Specific examples of permissible venues include ICML workshops, NeurIPS workshops, AAAI workshops, and arXiv. In order to preserve anonymity for review, however, authors must not cite such papers. Questions concerning acceptable pre-publication venues should be directed to the Program Chair.

Note: Extended abstracts are not considered archival and are not subject to theses restrictions.

Confidentiality Policy

All submissions will be treated with strict confidentiality until published.


  • Q: The call says full papers are limited to 8 pages including the references. Other conferences allow 8 pages plus up to one page of references. Are we allowed 8 total pages or 9 total pages? A: You are allowed up to 8 total pages.
  • Q: We are interested in submitting our work to your conference. At the same time, we are planning to submit the same manuscript to [some workshop]. Is this permissible? A: It is permissible if the workshop is non-archival. Please double check with the workshop organizers to be sure the workshop is not archival.
  • Q: Can I submit a paper that has already appeared on arXiv? A: Yes, but in order to preserve anonymity of authors for submitted papers to ICAIF please do not refer to such papers in your ICAIF submission.
  • Q: Can you explain the deadline time? A: The deadline is an “Anywhere on Earth” deadline: As long as you submit your paper before midnight on Friday 29 May 2020 from any time zone on Earth, it will be considered on time. Technically speaking, the last time and place on Earth that it will be Friday 29 May, is Baker Island in the Pacific Ocean in the Yankee timezone (UTC -12).

Direct additional questions you may have on the above to the Program Chair at programchair@ai-finance.org.